The Nicholson Legacy

The atrocities in South during the early late 1800’s thru early 1900’s left a lasting scar on the growth of African families that has, even now, altered the family heritage the ability to prosper under normal circumstances. The calculated economic strong hold umbrella, that covered and hovered over African American businesses, communities and families, was no different for the Nicholson Family Heritage. 


Allen and White Nicholson were father and son sharecroppers for over 80 acres. They, The Nicholson clan of around 38 were making a living that should have reached down to many generations. However, in the Deep South, white landowners hoarded the profits of black workers’ agricultural labor, trapping them in poverty and debt for generations. Black people who challenged this system of domination faced threats, violence, and even murder. The Nicholson Family fate was no different. Eugene “Geno” Nicholson lamented while living on the farm…”the women on the farmer toted 6 shooters for protection and the men were always on the edge. I was scared, because everyone on the farmer at times seemed angry.”

A Time Of Disparity

Then came a night that left lasting scars in the mind and nerves of Eugene “GENO” Nicholson, it was the story “The Night of the Eleven Crows”. Eugene “GENO” Nicholson was there and told his story. Question! What did happen on that farm in Shuqualak, Ms from 1945 to 1950 that made a well established sharecoppering family, like Allen and White Nicholson Clan, to leave their farm and lively hood, which over time decimated the family heritage!   

Eugene “Geno” Nicholson said he was around 7yrs old when his father and Grand Father fled, some to Kansas City Mo, to start over and regain some sense of prosperity. Yes, the deep South had taken a toll on the Nicholson Clan.

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However, the MIDWEST brought its own racial disparity to most African Americans looking for a world of equality. By the mid 1940 to 1975 things did loosing up or the racial disparity went into hiding only to raise its ugly purpose to keep Eugene “Geno” Nicholson his legacy and heritage in disparity as long as it could even to death itself. The passing to Eugene “Geno” Nicholson 1932 to 2022.  

White Nicholson

Father of Eugene, White Nicholson and Granpa Allen were sharecroppers. What ever happen to the land? Anyone know?

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